Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world.
Is an ancient Chinese discipline that treats disease by balancing the flow of energy in the body.
It is based on the idea that everyone is born with a certain amount of energy, which moves through the body along 12 channels called meridians.
Each meridian is linked to specific internal organs and organ systems.
If this energy is blocked a disease would be occur.
Acupuncture uses needles to unblock the meridians and let the energy move again, allowing the body to heal itself.
Acupuncture views the human body not only as an integrated whole,
but also inseparable from nature. This is a holistic view: Body, soul, mind, and universe.
The World Health Organization has cited 104 different conditions
that acupuncture can treat including migraine, sinusitis, the common cold, tonsillitis, asthma, addictions, myopia, duodenal ulcer, gastrointestinal disorders, neuralgia, sciatica, and osteoarthritis.
Acupuncture has also been found to be effective in the treatment of a variety of rheumatoid conditions, hormonal imbalances, depression, anxiety, and other disorders.
One important use is like a natural pain relief, stimulating the release of endorphins and enkephalins (the natural pain-killing chemicals).
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