Classical Homeopathy is based on four principles:
1. Similia Similibus Curentur (The Law of Similars)
Any patient who is ill can be treated with a substance that produces similar symptoms in a healthy person. This principle originates back to Hippocrates in the 5th century. Two hundred years ago, Samuel Hahnemann was the first to perform scientific tests and establish a system of medicine based on the idea.
2. Experimenta in homine sano
To determine their medicinal value, Hahnemann conducted ‘provings,’ in which he tested substances on groups of healthy people (a novel idea at the time). In his lifetime, Hahnemann developed scientific protocols for the provings, and studied the effects of over 100 substances on healthy subjects. Since then, hundreds of other substances have been tested, and the effects they cause on healthy individuals have been minutely recorded. Homeopaths conducting provings in the 1880’s introduced the concept of ‘placebos’ to help recognize symptoms that might come from factors other than the substance being tested.
3. Minimal dose
The optimal dose is the smallest amount possible depending on the individual and the condition being treated. To reduce the possibility of making the symptoms worse, Hahnemann diluted his remedies using a specialized process of shaking them (succussion). The complete process of dilution and succussion was called potentization. The final potency of the remedies is shown by the number on the bottles. For example, 6C indicates that the remedy was diluted 6 times in a 1:99 dilution.
4. Unitas remedii
Administer one single remedy at a time to the patient.
Samuel Hahnemann named his new science ‘homeopathy,’ meaning ‘similar suffering’ in Greek. His ideas make sense, for example, when thinking about a disorder caused by a foreign invader, be it a toxin, allergen or infectious agent. The substance that produces similar symptoms is like a catalyst that helps push the body towards healing itself by causing the symptoms minutely, without adding to the pathogenic load. With the help of this catalyst, the body establishes balance (homeostasis).
For more information and a deeper discussion of the science of homeopathy, a number of pages of a book called Complementary and alternative medicine for older adults are available online. Chapter 4 (p. 79-96) provides a comprehensive and readable overview of homeopathy.
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